Here's a menu listing to quickly get you to what you want to know:
How do I Retire Early? (1) Manage expenses, (2) accumulate capital, (3) invest wisely by minimizing fees and commissions. |
How do I manage my expenses? Ideas on how to cut expenses, maintain your lifestyle, and get you that much closer to the day you can Retire Early. |
The Big Question: How much money do I need to retire on? Retire Early shows you how to make this important calculation. |
How much should I be
paying in fees? Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. averages 0.02% of assets. Retire Early shows you how to do the same. |
If the Dow dropped by 50% could I stay retired ? Now's the time to analyze the effect of a real crash on your investments. |
Retirement expenses and taxes, state by state. Links and resources for retirement information in the 50 states. |
Should I Retire Early ? Some things to consider while pondering the big decision. |
Career Advice for Budding Early Retirees. Many readers will be astonished, but here's what I've found useful. |
Is there a "Retire Early" personality type? Some interesting results from a survey we did on the Motley Fool message board. |
Retire Early Safe Contribution Calculator How much must I save each year to be "100% sure" I'll have "X" dollars in "Y" number of years? Here's the answer. |
Can You Retire on CDs and Money Market Funds? A look at some of the risks most people ignore. |
Retirement Investing: The high cost of low volatility. Adding the "shock absorber" of cash to your portfolio may mean you'll retire on less. |
Should you use bonds to save FOR retirement? Every time there's a decline in the market, folks flee to bonds. It's usually a mistake. |
Investing for retirement. How to save for retirement. Some thoughts on the time and effort required for investing in various asset classes. |
Real Life Retiree Investment Returns. A look at the performance of various investment strategies since I retired in November 1994. (2003 Update to the article.) |
FICO® Scores and Early Retirees. An interesting survey of the creditworthiness of early retirees. |
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Copyright © 1999 John P. Greaney, All rights reserved.