[Retire Early]
REHP Chronological Index.

REHP Chronological Index.

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The article was first posted on July 1, 2001. Last updated July 1, 2024

Date First
Most Recent
April 1, 1996 July 1, 2001 The Retire Early Home Page - Main Page
April 1, 1996 Aug 1, 1998 Top 10 Reasons to Retire Early.
April 1, 1996 July 1, 1999 Download Free Software
April 1, 1996 June 1, 2001 Investment fees, commissions, and financial advisors -- Index Page
June 1, 1996 July 15, 1997 How much should I be paying in fees and commissions?
Aug. 1, 1996 Oct. 18, 2000 Can I withdraw money from my IRA before age 59� ?
Dec. 1, 1996 May 6, 1999 How should I select a financial advisor ? What should it cost ?
Feb. 1, 1997 Nov. 28, 1999 What about health insurance if I retire early?
Mar. 1, 1997 Oct. 1, 1999 Can you come speak to our group?
April 1, 1997 May 1, 2001 Retire Early's Safe Withdrawal Rates in Retirement -- Index Page.
May 1, 1997 March 22, 1999 How do I manage my expenses?
June 1, 1997 June 1, 1997 Seven tips for successful saving and investing?
July 1, 1997 Aug. 1, 1998 Retire Early in the news.
Nov. 14, 1997 July 1, 1999 Are you getting the shaft in your 401k?
Jan. 1, 1998 Jan. 1, 1998 Should I stick around for 40 years to collect a pension ?
Jan. 1, 1998 Jan. 1, 1998 Retire Early's IRA Toolkit -- Index Page
Jan. 1, 1998 Jan. 1, 1998 Should I transfer an ordinary IRA to a Roth IRA ?
Feb. 1, 1998 Feb. 1, 1998 IRACALC Spreadsheet
Feb. 1, 1998 Feb. 1, 1998 Legal Disclaimer
Feb. 1, 1998 Feb. 1, 1998 Are you getting the shaft in your mutual fund?
March 1, 1998 Oct. 1, 1999 Retire Early's Kareer Korner -- Index Page.
April 10, 1998 April 10, 1998 Why bother working ?
May 1, 1998 Dec 4. 1999 Retire Early Book Shelf
May 1, 1998 May 1. 1998 Book Review -- The Millionaire Next Door: The surprising secrets of America's wealthy. by Thomas J Stanley, Ph.D
May 1, 1998 May 1, 1998 Implementing your low fee retirement plan.
May 15, 1998 May 15, 1998 SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt questions mutual fund fees.
June 1, 1998 Aug. 7, 1998 Should I invest in mutual funds or individual stocks and bonds ?
Aug. 1, 1998 Aug. 1, 1998 Are CDs a good substitute for US Treasury securities ?
Aug. 2, 1998 Aug. 2, 1998 Ralph Nader, Capitalist ?
Sept. 1, 1998 Sept. 1, 1998 Resume of John P. Greaney, P.E.
Sept. 1, 1998 Sept. 1, 1998 Asset Allocation for the Ages.
Oct. 1, 1998 Oct. 1, 1998 How do I determine my investment expenses ?
Oct. 1, 1998 Apr. 12, 1999 Are your mutual fund fees so high you can't retire ?
Nov. 1, 1998 Nov. 1, 1998 Are US Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) a complete hedge against inflation for retirees ?
Jan. 1, 1999 Jan. 1, 1999 How do I Retire Early ? - Index Page
Feb. 1, 1999 Feb. 1, 1999 The Big Question: How much do I need to retire on?
March 1, 1999 March 14, 2000 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on IRA withdrawals before age 59 1/2.
March 30, 1999 March 30, 1999 Dow drops by 50%. Can I stay retired?
April 17, 1999 April 17, 1999 Calculate your own safe withdrawal rates (re50 spreadsheet).
May 1, 1999 May 1, 1999 Retirement expenses and taxes, state by state.
June 1, 1999 July 13, 1999 Safe Withdrawal Rates for Concentrated Portfolios.
July 1 1999 April 1, 2000 Retire Early Book Shelf - "Should I Retire Early?"
July 1, 1999 Aug. 15, 1999 Retire Early Book Shelf - Retirement Places Rated.
Aug. 1, 1999 Aug. 1, 1999 FinancialEngines.com and "Safe" Withdrawal Rates.
Sept. 1, 1999 Sept. 25, 1999 Retire Early Book Shelf - Books We Didn't Like
Sept. 1, 1999 Sept. 1, 1999 Should I Retire Early ?
Oct. 1, 1999 Oct. 1, 1999 Career Advice for Budding Early Retirees.
Nov. 1, 1999 Nov. 1, 1999 Harry S. Dent Disappoints.
Dec. 10, 1999 Dec. 10, 1999 Variable Retirement Withdrawal Rates - by Bob Herlien
Jan. 1, 2000 Jan. 1, 2000 Online Media Kit.
Jan. 1, 2000 Jan. 1, 2000 Safe Withdrawal Rates -- The Pay Out Period Reset (POPR) method.
Jan. 15, 2000 Jan. 15, 2000 Retire Early Book Review --- Retire Early--And Live the Life You Want Now, by John F. Wasik
Jan. 19, 2000 Jan. 19, 2000 Safe Retirement Withdrawals with Cash Buffers - by Bob Herlien
Feb. 1, 2000 Feb. 1, 2000 Retire Early Book Review -- How to Retire Early and Live Well with Less Than A Million Dollars, by Gillette Edmunds.
Feb. 1, 2000 Feb. 1, 2000 Can You Retire on CDs and Money Market Funds?
March 1, 2000 March 1, 2000 Estate Planning for Early Retirees -- How to Avoid Getting Screwed.
April 1, 2000 April 1, 2000 How diversified do you need to be?
May 1, 2000 May 1, 2000 How Variable Are The Variable Withdrawal Rates?
May 1, 2000 May 1, 2000 Is There a "Retire Early" Personality Type?
June 1, 2000 June 1, 2000 The Retire Early study on safe withdrawal rates. (Millennium Edition)
June 26, 2000 June 26, 2000 "Millennium Edition" Safe Withdrawal Calculator -- Download Free Software.
July 1, 2000 Aug. 1, 2000 Using Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) to increase your safe withdrawal rate
Aug. 1, 2000, Aug. 19, 2000, Millennium Edition Generation-X Retirement Calculator.
Aug. 1, 2000, Aug. 1, 2001, Actuaries Reveal -- Work Kills
Aug. 3, 2000 Aug.10, 2000 Gus Smedstad's Retirement Calculator
Sept. 1, 2000 Sept. 1, 2000 What's My Life Expectancy ? How Do I Select My Pay Out Period?
Oct. 1, 2000 Oct. 1, 2000 Update on the Retire Early Personality Study
Nov. 1, 2000 Nov. 1, 2000 Retire Early -- Safe Contribution Calculator
Jan. 1, 2001 Jan. 1, 2001 Safe withdrawals for portfolios with 3 or more asset classes.
Feb. 15, 2001 April 1, 2001 Retirement Reports
March 1, 2001 March 1, 2001 Retirement Investing: The high cost of low volatility.
March 25, 2001 March 25, 2001 Visual Basic safe withdrawal calculator by dory36.
May 1, 2001 May 1, 2001 On-line Version of the Safe Withdrawal Calculator.
June 1, 2001 June 1, 2001 Fun with Compounded Annual Growth Rates (CAGR).
July 1, 2001 November 1, 2001 REHP Chronological Index.
Aug. 1, 2001 Aug. 1, 2001 Ralph Nader, Capitalist ? Revisited
Sept. 1, 2001 Sept. 1, 2001 Should you use bonds to save FOR retirement?
Oct. 1, 2001 Oct. 1, 2001 September 11, 2001
Nov. 1, 2001 Nov. 1, 2001 The 4% Withdrawal in Bad Times.
Dec. 1, 2001 Dec. 1, 2001 Investing For Retirement
Jan. 1, 2002 Jan. 1, 2002 Purchasing health insurance for retirees.
Feb. 1, 2002 Feb. 1, 2002 72(t) Annuity Factor Method with Recalculation
March 1, 2002 March 1, 2002 Improved Generation-X Retirement Calculator
April 1, 2002 April 1, 2002 Inflation-Adjusted Annuities
May 1, 2002 May 1, 2002 Should you tap your IRA first in retirement?
June 1, 2002 June 1, 2002 Safe Withdrawal Rates and P/E Ratios.
July 1, 2002 July 1, 2002 Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
August 1, 2002 August 1, 2002 Even Safer Withdrawal Rates.
Sept. 1, 2002 Sept. 1, 2002 FICO� Scores and Early Retirees.
Oct. 1, 2002 Oct. 1, 2002 Book Review - You Can Retire Young!
Oct. 3, 2002 Oct. 3, 2002 October 2002 - New SEPP Rules
Nov. 1, 2002 Nov. 1, 2002 Updated Safe Withdrawal Study Excel Spreadsheet.
Dec. 1, 2002 Dec. 1, 2002 New SEPP Rules for 2003.
Jan. 1, 2003 Jan. 1, 2003 Combining Safe Withdrwal Rates and Life Expectancy.
Feb. 1, 2003 Feb. 1, 2003 Update: Pre-age 59-1/2 IRA Withdrawals.
Mar. 1, 2003 Mar. 1, 2003 Optimizing the Fixed Income Portion of a Retirement Portfolio.
Apr. 1, 2003 Apr. 1, 2003 2003 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
May 1, 2003 May 1, 2003 Retiring at the Worst of Times.
June 1, 2003 June 1, 2003 Book Review: Quit Young! by Dr. Rick Stewart
July 1, 2003 July 1, 2003 The North American Tour -- Lupo Does the Yukon.
Sept. 1, 2003 Sept. 1, 2003 Does Your Financial Advisor Take More of Your Money Each Year Than the IRS?
Nov. 1, 2003 Nov. 1, 2003 Book Review: I'm in Debt, Over 40, with No Retirement Savings. Help!, by John L. White.
Jan. 1, 2004 Jan. 1, 2004 Book Review: The Complete Guide to a Creative Retirement
Mar. 1, 2004 Mar. 1, 2004 Book Review: The Lazy Person's Guide to Investing, by Paul B. Farrell
May 1, 2004 May 1, 2004 2004 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1, 2004 July 1, 2004 Book Review: Work Less & Play More, by Steven Catlin
Sept. 1, 2004 Sept. 1, 2004 Book Review: The Coming Generational Storm, Laurence Kotlikoff & Scott Burns
Nov. 1, 2004 Nov. 1, 2004 Book Review: Exporting America, by Lou Dobbs
Jan. 1, 2005 Jan. 1, 2005 Where do these guys get a 2% safe withdrawal rate?
Mar. 1, 2005 March 1 2005 2004 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
Apr. 12, 2005 Apr. 12, 2005 What is Hocomania?
Apr. 23, 2005 Apr. 23, 2005 intercst's early retirement planning insights (parody)
May 1, 2005 May 1, 2005 Book Review: Stop Working by Derek Foster
July 1, 2005 July 1, 2005 Should you buy long term care (LTC) insurance?
Sept 1, 2005 Sept. 1, 2005 Book Review: The Adventurer's Guide to Early Retirement by Billy & Akaisha Kaderli
Nov. 1, 2005 Nov. 1, 2005 Mutual Funds' Hidden Costs
Nov. 16, 2005 Nov. 16, 2005 Vanguard Diehards Get Hocomania
Jan. 1, 2006 Jan. 1, 2006 Book Review: Work Less, Play More, by Bob Clyatt
Mar. 1, 2006 Mar. 1, 2006 Book Review: Passion Saving, by Rob Bennett
May 1,2006 May 1 2006 2005 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
June 1, 2006 June 1, 2006 Dump & Wait Investing a sound retirement strategy?
June 17, 2006 June 17, 2006 Special Father's Day Issue
July 1, 2006 July 1, 2006 ESPlanner and Consumption Smoothing
July 7, 2006 July 7, 2006 Rob Bennett, Stock Predictor?
July 24, 2006 July 24, 2006 Passion Saving author Rob Bennett -- bailing out your retirement with the death of a loved one.
Sept 01, 2006 Sept 01, 2006 Early Retirement Plan Failures.
Nov. 1, 2006 Nov. 1, 2006 Update: Generation-X Retirement Planner
Jan. 1, 2007 Jan. 1, 2007 Book Review: Engineering Your Retirement, by Mike Golio
Feb. 20, 2007 Feb. 20, 2007 2007 Hocus-Free Accreditation Awards -- Congratulations Vanguard Diehards
March 1, 2007 March 1, 2007 What happens to my Social Security benefit if I retire early?
May 1,2007 May 1 2007 2006 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1, 2007 July 1, 2007 Low-cost, fixed-fee DFA investment advisors
Sept 01, 2007 Sept 01, 2007 Where can a 70-year-old buy the least expensive life annuity?
Nov. 01, 2007 Nov. 01, 2007 Can retiring early make you crazy?
Jan. 01, 2008 Jan. 01, 2008 Why you shouldn't wait until age 70 to collect Social Security -- maximizing your SS benefit using a Withdrawal of Application (SSA-521)
March 01, 2008 March 01, 2008 Analyzing the "high-fee" DFA-approved advisor's sales pitch.
March 01, 2008 March 01, 2008 Retire Early Book Review -- Getting A Good Deal On Your Health Insurance, by Jonathan Pletzke.
April 18, 2008 April 18, 2008 Retire Early Book Review -- What Every Baby Boomer Should Know about Protecting Their Nest Egg in Retirement, by David Bates
May 1,2008 May 1 2008 2007 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1, 2008 July 1, 2008 Retire Early Book Review -- Everything You Will Ever Need To Know To Start Driving A Big Truck Or How I Became A Professional Tourist, by Steve Richards
September 1, 2008 September 1, 2008 Another Look at Safe Withdrawal Rates and PE Ratios
November 1, 2008 November 1, 2008 Coping with the Wall Street meltdown -- is it time to sell all stocks?
Jan. 01, 2009 Jan. 01, 2009 Is it Christian if you give more of your money to a financial advisor than to the Church?
March 01, 2009 March 01, 2009 2008 Winter Trip -- South America and Antarctic Peninsula
May 1,2009 May 1 2009 2008 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1,2009 July 1 2009 The high cost of a no-fee, no-commission Single Premium Immediate Annuity (SPIA).
September 1,2009 September 1 2009 Does it make sense to pay 1/3 of your retirement income to a financial coach?
November 1,2009 November 1 2009 Valuing Different Types of Single Premium Immediate Annuities (SPIA) and Single Premium Deferred Annuities (SPDA).
January 1, 2010 January 1, 2010 Early Retirement Extreme -- Jacob Lund Fisker's blog
March 1, 2010 March 1, 2010 My experience with Judge Walter A. "Sleepy" Clebowicz and the New Britain, CT Probate Court
May 1,2010 May 1 2010 2009 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1,2010 Sept 23, 2010 Update on DFA-approved advisors -- Who'll save the World from Mark Matson?
Sept 01, 2010 Sept 01, 2010 Cheap Annuity, No More -- Social Security "Withdrawal of Application" Strategy to End?
Aug 18, 2010 Nov 01, 2010 Obamacare makes it easier for millionaires to retire early?
Jan 01, 2011 Jan 01, 2011 Cheap Annuity, No More. Social Security "Withdrawal of Application" Strategy Ends
Mar 01, 2011 Mar 01, 2011 Social Security "Withdrawal of Application" Strategy Ends --
But You Can Still buy a Cheap Annuity on the Installment Plan
May 1,2011 May 1 2011 2010 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 01, 2011 July 01, 2011 Obamacare makes it really easy for millionaires to retire early?
Sept 01, 2011 Sept 01, 2011 The 4% Rule for Retirement Withdrawals -- Common Misconceptions
Nov 01, 2011 Nov 01, 2011 Book Review: Early Retirement Extreme: A philosophical and practical guide to financial independence, by Jacob Lund Fisker
Jan 01, 2012 Jan 01, 2012 Comparison of Fidelity and Vanguard Gauranteed Life Withdrawal Benefit (GLWB)
Mar 01, 2012 Mar 01, 2012 What is the "safe saving" rate for retirement?
May 1,2012 May 1 2012 2011 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 01, 2012 July 01, 2012 The Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Provider (ELP) Shaft Detector
September 01, 2012 September 01, 2012 Why life insurance shouldn't be considered an investment.
November 01, 2012 November 01, 2012 Book Review: Thinking, Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman.
January 01, 2013 January 01, 2013 Social Security a better deal than I thought?
March 01, 2013 March 01, 2013 Don't Get Stabbed by the Obamacare Spike.
May 1,2013 May 1 2013 2012 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1,2013 July 1 2013 Vanguard's fees are costing me a new car?
Sept 1, 2013 Sept 1, 2013 The fixed income portion of a retirement portfolio.
Nov 1, 2013 Nov 1, 2013 Some really bad annuity advice from Dr. Lew Mandell.
Jan. 1, 2014 Jan. 1, 2014 Obamacare Premiums Much Lower Than Expected.
Mar. 1, 2014 Mar. 1, 2014 Top 5 biggest Obamacare insurance company scams.
May 1,2014 May 1 2014 2013 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1,2014 July 1 2014 Professor Wade Pfau: 3% is the new 4% Safe Withdrawal Rate (SWR)?
Sept 1,2014 Sept 1 2014 Uncle Sam will 'sell' you a single-premium immediate annuity (SPIA) for 50% off the insurance company price?
November 1,2014 November 1 2014 Why I'm Not Worried About Obamacare Premium Increases.
January 1,2015 January 1 2015 20-Year Update: Retired at Age 38 in 1994 -- Lessons Learned
March 1,2015 March 1 2015 Retire Early Book Review -- The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich, by Timothy Ferriss.
May 1,2015 May 1 2015 2014 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1,2015 July 1 2015 Vanguard's new "low-cost" financial advice service.
September 1,2015 September 1 2015 Social Security -- File and Suspend For Single Retirees?
November 1,2015 November 1 2015 Is your health plan's 'expense ratio' too high?
January 1, 2016 January 1, 2016 Study from 'Professor of Retirement Income' Dr. Wade Pfau shows you can double your income by dumping your financial advisor.
March 1,2016 March 1, 2016 NBC News: Millionaire Early Retirees Getting Big Obamacare Tax Subsidies.
May 1, 2016 May 1, 2016 2015 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1, 2016 July 1 2016 Another reason to avoid annuities.
Sept 1, 2016 Sept 1 2016 The 4% Rule for Retirement Withdrawals -- A Few Observations
November 1, 2016 November 1 2016 Preventing Financial Rape Under Obamacare
January 1, 2017 January 1 2017 The 2% Rule for Retirement Savings
March 1, 2017 March 1 2017 Obamacare Repeal? My amazing story of drastically lower premiums.
May 1, 2017 May 1, 2017 2016 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1, 2017 July 1, 2017 Trump making Obamacare even cheaper for millionaire early retirees.
September 1, 2017 September 1, 2017 There's no magic in equal-weighted index funds.
November 1, 2017 November 1, 2017 Trump Obamacare sabotage making premiums even cheaper for millionaire early retirees.
January 1, 2018 January 1, 2018 2018 Tax Reform for early retirees.
April 1, 2018 April 1, 2018 2017 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1, 2018 July 1, 2018 How do I make an annual withdrawal from a retirement portfolio?
October 1, 2018 October 1, 2018 Squeezing extra savings from your $0/month Obamacare plan.
January 1, 2019 January 1, 2019 The 3 Big Numbers for Early Retirement: Four, Two and Zero
April 1, 2019 April 1, 2019 2018 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1, 2019 July 1, 2019 Retirees' Bad Arithmetic Reduces Social Security Trust Fund Withdrawals by $3.4 Trillion -- Making the Trust Fund Last Longer
Oct 1, 2019 Oct 1, 2019 25th Anniversary Edition -- Five Surprising Things I Learned in Early Retirement
Jan 1, 2020 Jan 1, 2020 The Tontine Annuity
April 1, 2020 April 1, 2020 2019 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1, 2020 July 1, 2020 "Annuity Puzzle" really no puzzle at all.
Oct 1, 2020 Oct 1, 2020 What I'm doing for Medicare insurance at age 65
Jan 1, 2021 Jan 1, 2021 Navigating the Medicare Part D Drug Plan cesspool
April 1, 2021 April 1, 2021 2020 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1, 2021 July 1, 2021 How retirees manage inflation
Oct 1, 2021 Oct 1, 2021 Tax management for early retirees
Jan 1, 2022 Jan 1, 2022 Minimizing the "Skim" -- the Key to Retiring Early
April 1, 2022 April 1, 2022 2021 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1, 2022 July 1, 2022 Who coined the term FIRE (Financially Independent Retired Early)?
Oct 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022 Top 5 things your Medicare Advantage sales agent won't tell you.
Jan 1, 2023 Jan 1, 2023 Quantum physicist explains the surprising arithmetic of FIRE
April 1, 2023 April 1, 2023 2022 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1, 2023 July 1, 2023 Why high income 40 year old retirees still get crazy big Social Security checks at age 62
October 16, 2023 October 16, 2023 What's the "expense ratio" for your Medicare Advantage plan?
January 1, 2024 January 1, 2024 How I used the 4% rule over the past 29 years
April 1, 2024 April 1, 2024 2023 Update: Real-Life Retiree Investment Returns
July 1, 2024 July 1, 2024 Scamming Seniors Is a Growing Problem. Wall Street Wants Washington to Stop It

filename = chronidx.html

Copyright © 1996-2024 John P. Greaney, All rights reserved.

[Retire Early]